Rating Courses for USPA Coach, USPA AFF-Instructor, and USPA/UPT Vector and Sigma Tandem Instructor.
Your Rating is our Priority
We believe in the training and certification process. Earning your rating is our priority. We bring thousands of student training jumps worth of experience to you in a friendly and professional learning environment.
Worldwide Candidates
We have trained Coaches and Instructors from all over the United States as well as other countries from Canada to Venezuela and Australia to Norway. Many of our Coach Candidates return to TRC for their other rating needs.
Ratings Courses
A USPA Coach is the first Instructional Rating a skydiver can earn. The Coach Course trains and certifies individuals to become USPA Coaches through a three day process.
The Tandem rating course consists of a classroom day, evaluation jumps, and a written exam. Our Evaluators and Examiners prepare you for “real world” tandem students.
The AFF rating course is designed to give you the skills to teach on the ground and control students in the sky. An optional pre-course is available to help you arrive prepared.