A USPA Coach is the first Instructional Rating a skydiver can earn. The Coach Course trains and certifies individuals to become USPA Coaches through a three day process. The Coach rating is a prerequisite for all other skydive ratings.

Required Materials
Skydiver’s Information Manual
You will need a current (no older than 24 months) version of the SIM (Skydiver’s Information Manual) for the course, which is available for purchase on USPA’s online store or download the digital copy for free in USPA’s download center.
Instructional Rating Manual
The “Coach Proficiency Card” is in the back of the Coach section of the IRM (Instructional Rating Manual). You will need a current (no older than 24 months) version of the IRM for the course. You can purchase this manual from USPA’s online store or download the digital copy for free in USPA’s download center.
The Course
The course lasts three days and will start at 8am with verification of requirements. Bring your USPA Membership card and logbook for verification.
Communication Skills
Day 1 covers concepts for effective communication of skydiving skills by better understanding how people learn and applying proper presentation technique.
Day 2 tests the candidates on their ability to teach a new jumper based on principles learned on day one.
Evaluation Jumps
On the third and final day candidates prove their ability to fly with new jumpers as well as effectively debrief them based on the student’s performance.
Course fee does not include slots, travel and lodging expenses, USPA fees, or any DZ fees.
2 jumps required paying you and your evaluator’s slots, and optional video slots.